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Industry Dynamics | Hebei Province plans to renovate 3077 dilapidated rural houses this year: promoting prefabricated new structural systems and green and environmentally friendly construction methods for new rural housing

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According to the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, this year our province will further improve the housing safety guarantee mechanism for low-income rural groups, implement the rural housing quality improvement project, and help comprehensively promote rural revitalization. Our province plans to implement the renovation of 3077 dilapidated rural houses, and the housing safety guarantee rate for low-income groups in rural areas remains stable at 100%; By the end of June, we will complete the seismic renovation of 26600 rural houses and the rectification of safety hazards in rural houses.



To ensure the safety of rural housing, our province will improve the coordination and linkage mechanism among departments, include the housing safety of all low-income groups in rural areas in the key dynamic monitoring scope, conduct regular inspections, timely identify and solve housing safety problems, and achieve dynamic zero clearance of rural dangerous houses. Timely include eligible dynamic new dilapidated households in the scope of dilapidated housing renovation, implement support policies and assistance measures, and ensure the quality of renovation. Strengthen technical guidance on seismic retrofitting of rural houses, and ensure that the renovated houses meet the seismic fortification requirements.

While ensuring the safety of rural housing, our province will also implement the Rural Housing Quality Improvement Project, conducting demonstrations in 1001 villages in 161 counties (cities, districts), and constructing a batch of livable demonstration rural housing with local style, modern functions, safe structure, and green environmental protection. The application of construction techniques with low interference, short construction period, low cost, and good results in the renovation of existing rural housing, and the promotion of prefabricated new structural systems and green and environmentally friendly construction methods in the construction of new rural housing, will play a demonstration and driving role.

Strengthen the guidance of building style improvement and renovation. Further promote the "Guidelines for Rural Housing Renovation and Construction in Hebei Province", "Guidelines for Rural Housing Construction in Hebei Province", and related design brochures. In combination with the improvement of rural living environment and the construction of beautiful rural areas, carry out the renovation of village building style, avoid the use of plastic, color steel plates and other building materials, and promote the improvement of rural living environment and the overall architectural style of the village.

Improve management systems. Implement systems for rural housing construction control, building structure design, construction craftsman management, and completion acceptance, and standardize rural housing construction behavior. Exploring the establishment of a village level housing coordinator system, in principle, each village should have 1 to 2 designated housing coordinators responsible for promoting housing policies, assisting in housing management, and conducting housing safety inspections to ensure the safety of farmers' housing construction and use.

Provide technical guidance services. Organize professional and technical personnel from design and construction units, research institutes, and universities who love rural areas to carry out technical activities in rural areas, and promote the improvement of rural housing construction level. Each city cultivates a professional technical management team that is both proficient in building guidelines and familiar with local realities, and each county (city, district) cultivates a batch of rural construction craftsmen who are proficient in applying building guidelines, bridging the "last mile" of rural housing construction guidance services.

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